Contact Me

Mailing Address:
PCV My Name
12 Grigore Ureche Str.
Chisinau 2001
Republic of Moldova

Cell Phone:
373 is the country code. If calling from the states you have to first dial 011, then the 373...I think.



  1. ok, I found the "contact me" on this page! I'll eventually get up to speed (possibly right before you return...ha) I'll go shopping for your list and get some packages off when I return to Montana. I need to know if the clothes I sent were the right size. HUGS & KISSES, Mom

    1. Hi Mom,

      The clothes fit great - thank you so much! xoxo

  2. Are there any particular teaa you would like? Im puyting together a bday package tomorrow. Love you bunches and am strill triing to get my skype to cooperate so I can hear your voice.

    1. Putting. lol not sure what puyting is but it sounds too much like tooting to let my misstype go unfixed

    2. Well, I just read over the last couple posts of mine and I made some ridiculous errors. Oh well. As for tea - Tazo Zen and peppermint. And ginger. Thanks sis, love you!

  3. Hi Kinle! I'm sure you are not in the least bit surprised that I have detailed follow-up questions...

    What kind of headbands? The ones that go all the way around your head or just the C-shaped ones? Thick or thin? Fabric or plastic? In the process of growing my hair out, I have become something of a headband officionado...

    Also, any preferences re: earrings? Studs? Dangles? Silver? Gold? Plastic?

    "Surprise me" is also an option, if you're less neurotic than I am.

    1. Hi Megs,

      I am as neurotic as you, mainly because it's impossible for me to wear the cool sporty ones that go all the way around my head. With that note, C-shaped ones, thicker, LOVE the fabric ones but they have to have a plastic base. Moldova fashion is as blingy as possible so don't be afraid of sending something flashy.

      For earrings I enjoy dangles and no gold.

      Thanks in advance and thanks for the comments on blogs/facebook posts - really, it means a lot.
